Tuesday, June 1, 2010


This post is meant as a quick reference guide to explain briefly what nutrients are and the main sources of them. It isn’t an in depth discussion about nutrients or any aspects of them, simply a quick reference guide, handy for people or for anyone wanting to ensure they have a balanced diet.
The post is divided into sections. The first covers the macronutrients plus water and fiber. From there the thread moves to vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients to alcohols and artificial food components which are briefly mentioned due to the frequency they appear in modern foods.
After a nutrient is listed and basically described, at least 5 examples of whole foods high in that particular nutrient are listed. What you will notice is the foods which come up again and again. Lean meats, dairy, grains, fruits, vegetables, etc. These foods should be forming the basis and majority of your diet. This thread is also handy if you wanted to choose a food to enable you to up your intake of a certain nutrient such as a particular mineral.



Dihydrogen oxide (H2O) or water is a colourless, tasteless liquid under normal circumstances. Liquid water is essential to life and therefore is the most important and essential nutrient. Water is obtained by drinking and by eating food. It is mainly lost through perspiration, respiration and urination. Water contains no calories.
Water is the basis for the fluids of the body. Water makes up more than two-thirds of the weight of the human body. Without water, humans would die in a few days. All the cells and organs need water to function. Water is the basis of blood, saliva and the fluids surrounding the joints. Water regulates the body temperature through perspiration. It also helps prevent constipation by moving food through the intestinal tract and eliminates waste from the body through filtering by the kidneys. The human brain is around 80% water by weight and is very sensitive to dehydration. For a bodybuilder, adequate hydration is just as important than adequate nutrition. In a survival situation, hydration is much more important than nutrition.


Protein is one of the basic components of food and makes all life possible. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. All of the antibodies and enzymes, and many of the hormones in the body are proteins. They provide for the transport of nutrients, oxygen and waste throughout the body. They provide the structure and contracting capability of muscles. They also provide collagen to connective tissues of the body and to the tissues of the skin, hair and nails. Proteins contain 4 calories per gram.

MEATS - Meat cuts should be lean, trimmed & skinless.

- Poultry: Chicken, Turkey, Goose, Game Birds, etc. (Be sure to remove skin. If buying ground meat ensure it is lean.)
- Red Meat: Any quality lean meat from Cows, Elk, Buffalo, Kangaroo, Game. (If buying ground meat ensure it is lean.)
- Other Meats: Pork, Lamb, Lean Ham, etc. (Ensure you buy the leaner cuts as these meats can be quite fatty.)
- Fish: Fresh Cod, Snapper, Salmon, Swordfish, Canned Fish. (Most fish are lean but the fattier fish are high in healthy fats)
- Shellfish: Includes: Mussels, Oysters, Scallops, Prawns, Lobsters, etc.

DAIRY - Choose mostly low fat dairy products
- Milk, Powdered Milk (Choose mostly skim milk. Can be Cow/goat/sheep, etc)
- Low Fat Cottage Cheese & Natural Yoghurt. (These foods include the benefits of bacterial cultures to improve gut health)
- Cheeses & Other Dairy Products. (Cheeses are very high in fat, choose softer cheeses where possible)
- Eggs, Powdered Egg (Egg whites are pure protein, egg yolks contain fat and protein)

VEGETABLE PROTEINS - Vegetable proteins are often "incomplete" so it is wise to vary them or add dairy/meat
- Raw Nuts & Seeds: (These are also high in healthy fats and contain carbohydrate)
- Grain Protein: (Many grains eg: wheats, rices, etc contain significant amounts of proteins)
- Bean/Vegetable Protein: (Soyabeans are the main protein source here, although other beans and vegetables contain protein)

PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTS These are available in powders/bars/drinks/etc.
- Whey Protein: (A fast digesting milk protein. Available in various forms/fractions)
- Casein Protein: (A slow digesting milk protein.)
- Soy Protein: (Derived from soyabeans.)
- Egg Protein: (Primarily the protein albumin, this is a slow digesting protein)
- Vegetable Proteins: (Can be found in the form of Wheat, Pea, Spirulina Protein, etc)

- Amino Acids: (These are the building blocks of proteins. They are present in protein containing foods or available as free form powders or capsules. The essential amino acids * are amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the body from other available resources, and therefore must be supplied as part of the diet. "Complete" proteins contain all of these, whilst "incomplete" proteins do not. The amino acids are:
Alanine, Arginine, Asparagine, Aspartic Acid, Cysteine, Glutamic Acid, Glutamine, Glycine, Histidine, Isoleucine*, Leucine*, Lysine, Methionine*, Phenylalanine*, Proline, Serine, Threonine*, Tryptophan*, Tyrosine, Valine*

Carbohydrates: Complex carbs also contain fibre.

Carbohydrates are the chief source of energy for all bodily functions and muscular exertion. They are necessary for the digestion and assimilation of other foods. They help regulate protein and fat metabolism, and fats require carbohydrates to be broken down in the liver. They also provide some of the structural components necessary for the growth and repair of tissues. All carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram.

SIMPLE CARBOHYDRATES - These are the small molecule carbohydrates or sugars
- Sugar Cane & Sugar Beets (The main commercial sources of sugar)
- Fresh Fruit & Berries (These contain mainly fructose, a low GI sugar)
- Honey (Honey contains a mix of glucose and fructose)
- Milk (Milk and milk products contain the sugar lactose)
- Prepared Sugars (Glucose/Fructose/Lactose/Maltose, etc. Found in drinks or free form)

COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES - These are long chains of simple carbohydrates, that breakdown to release sugars
- Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Pumpkin & Squash
- Yams, Parsnips & Other Root Vegetables
- Corn, Oats Wheat & Other Grains.
- Wholegrain Flours, Breads & Pastas.
- Brans, Weet Bix & Shredded Wheat Cereals.
- Ancient Grains (Amaranth, Millet, Teth, etc).
- Basmati, Brown & Wild Rice.
- Raw Nuts, Seeds, Beans, Lentils, Couscous & Other Pulses, etc.
- Vegetables such as Carrots and Peas.

Fats / Oils: All oils ideally should be cold pressed, extra virgin and of high quality.

Fatty acids are individual isomers of what we more commonly call "fats". There are potentially hundreds of different fatty acids, but just a few dozen that are commonly found in the foods we eat. Nutritionists commonly classify dietary fat as either saturated, monounsaturated, or polyunsaturated, based on the number of double bonds that exist in the fat's molecular structure. For each of these three classes, there exists a large number of different chemical variations or "isomers". These include the EFA's or Essential Fatty Acids. Fats are required to produce and build new cells. They are a source of energy and are critical in the transmission of nerve impulses and brain function and development. They are also involved in the synthesis of other essential molecules such as hormones. Fats contain 9 calories per gram.

VEGETABLE FAT SOURCES - These are mostly high in mono and polyunsaturated fats and contain EFA's

- Flaxseed, Hempseed, Evening Primrose, Almond, Canola, Olive and Most Other Plant Oils.
- Whole Raw Nuts & Seeds (Some whole seeds need to be cracked or ground to be digested)
- MCT Oils (These are medium chain saturated fats derived from coconut oil, available as a supplement)

ANIMAL FAT SOURCES - These can be high in mono and polyunsaturated and saturated fats and contain EFA's
- Salmon, Cod, Halibut, Shellfish & Other Fatty Fish/Fish Oils (Fish are high in unsaturated fats and EFA's)
- Dairy Products (Can vary in fat content wildly and can contain high levels of saturated fat)
- Lean Meat & Poultry (Even when trimmed and skinless, these provide fat. Can be high in saturated fat)
- Eggs (Only the yolk contains the mainly saturated fat)

Fibre - Fibre has no caloric value but is still classed as a macronutrient

Dietary fibers are large carbohydrate molecules containing many different sorts of monosaccharides. The key difference between fiber and other carbohydrates is that they are not broken down by the human digestive system.

There Are Two Types Of Fiber: Soluble & Insoluble

These are often found together in the same source.

Soluble fibres can be dissolved in water (hence the name). These fibers are beneficial in that they can slow the speed of digestion due to their thickness. They are also helpful in maintaining artery health.

Insoluble fibers are such things as cellulose which do not dissolve in water. Insoluble fibers do not affect the speed of digestion. They are beneficial to gut health.

- Broccoli / Cauliflower / Cabbage
- Celery / Lettuce / Spinach / Watercress
- Mushrooms / Onions / Carrots
- Green Beans / Peas / Asparagus / Kale

- Bean & Vegetable Sprouts / Beetroot / Leeks
- Cucumber / Zucchini
- Tomato / Capsicum
- Frozen Mixed Vegetables
- Any Other Non-starchy Vegetable (or similar) of Any Colour
- Any Grain or Grain Product
- Fruits & Berries
- Legumes

to be continued…

Want Abs??? Just HIIT Them!!!

The fact is that if you want visible abdominals, you have to shed the fat and drop your body fat percentage to a low enough. You can do all the crunches in the world but if you’re not at a low enough body fat percentage, don’t expect to see anything. So how can we shed all that unwanted body fat to reveal those abs? Conventional knowledge usually tells us to do 30-50 minutes of moderate intensity cardio in order to burn the most fat possible while retaining as much muscle as possible. What if I told you that you could do the same in a fraction of the time? The answer is HIIT.

What Is This HIIT You Speak Of?
HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. It is a very demanding, and super effective workout. It will burn the same amount of calories as running for 30-50 minutes in a fraction of the time, but you will be working a lot harder. Heres a break down of the workout

-Max effort for X seconds
-Moderate effort for Y seconds
-Rinse and repeat until 15-20 minutes is reached

That’s it. Believe me, it will leave you winded and gasping for air. Typically, HIIT is done while running outdoors. Here is what a running HIIT workout would usually look like.

-Sprint for 15 seconds
-Jog for 60 seconds
-Rinse and repeat until 15-20 minutes is reached

Now you can choose to do HIIT while rowing, biking, swimming or even the cardio machines at your gym. The idea is to simply work as hard as you can for X seconds then step it down to a moderate intensity for Y seconds.

How Many Seconds Should I Be Doing?
The number of seconds that you decided to use depends on your level of fitness. Beginners would be at max effort less and the advanced would be at max effort longer. Heres a chart with the varying levels/intensities.

Beginner - Max Effort Seconds (10-15) Moderate Effort Seconds (60)
Intermediate - Max Effort Seconds (15-30) Moderate Effort Seconds (45-60)
Advanced - Max Effort Seconds (30-60) Moderate Effort Seconds (30-45)

Before Your Workout
Have a proper pre workout meal an hour before. Have some carbs and protein. This could be a protein shake with oatmeal or anything you choose.
Make sure to stretch out properly with some dynamic stretches depending on what median you choose.

After Your Workout
Stretch out with static stretches
Have a proper post workout nutrition. A combination of carbs and protein is optimal. Again, something like a protein shake and a source of carbs.

HIIT is a very effective weapon in your fat melting arsenal so make sure to use it to your advantage. It will be hard at first but after your body adapts, it will become easier. Then it’s time to up the difficulty and push it even more! Do HIIT and those abs will be shining in no time.

Six Popular Diets

Six Popular Diets 

With so many diet plans and books on the market how do you choose which one to follow? Which diets will work for you? In this review I will give a brief review of some of the most popular diets on the market today. After reading the review you will be able to decide which plans are appropriate for you.

1. Atkins Diet

Robert C. Atkins is the founder of Atkins' New Diet Revolution. Atkins is also the founder and former director of the Atkins Complimentary Medicine in New York City.

The diet is a low carb high fat diet with no restrictions on fat intake. The diet begins with an induction phase (ranging from 2-36 weeks) limiting carb intake to only 20 g/d. The consumption of fruit, bread, pasta, grains, starchy vegetables, and dairy other than cheese, cream or butter are prohibited in this phase of the diet.

There are two phases following the induction phase where daily carb intake is increased in weekly increments of 5gms & 10gms. Then, comes the maintenance phase.

Proponents of high-fat, low carb diets dismiss the notion that caloric intake is important to either weight gain orweight loss (this is a ridiculous statement). They claim that "most overweight individuals do not overeat" (if youbelieve this you need a brain transplant), even as they suggest that high carb meals leave individuals less satisfied than meals that contain adequate fat, resulting in increased hunger and increased food intake.

With respect to weight loss, Atkins claims that on a low carb diet there are "metabolic advantages that will allow overweight individuals to eat as many calories as they were eating before starting the diet yet still lose pounds and inches".

Furthermore, proponents contend overproduction of insulin, driven by high carb intake, is the cause of the metabolic imbalance that underlies obesity (the over exaggeration of insulin's role in obesity is commonly promoted by many of today's most popular nutrition gurus, needless to say this issue has been blown out of proportion and is only one factor in weight gain).
2. South Beach Diet

Arthur Agatston, MD, created this diet. His specialty is heart imaging and he is an associate professor of medicine at the Miami School of Medicine. The first phase of the diet includes a 14-day initiation to "rid yourself of your sugar addiction". Consumption of fruit, bread, pasta, baked goods, dessert and alcohol are prohibited in the initiation phase. In the second phase lower GI-fruit and lower GI-starches are permitted.
Once target weight is reached you go into the maintenance phase. If weight gain occurs while in the maintenance phase repeat phase one.

3.Enter The Zone

There is no magic macronutrient percentage. People have done fine (weight loss and functionally) using a wide array of different macronutrient percentages while dieting. The information regarding insulin is incomplete and mis-leading (insulin has numerous roles in metabolism).

Suggesting that high-GI carbs per se make you fat is incorrect. Most people find it difficult and time consuming to calculate the macro percentage of every meal.

The diet is generally nutritious. The diet also promotes the consumption of monounsaturated fatty acids, which can have numerous health benefits.
4.Very Low Fat Diets

VLF diets contain 10% or less fat, very high carbohydrates, and low-moderate protein. Representative VLF diets are those promoted by Dr. Dean Ornish (Dr. Dean Ornish's Program for Reversing Heart Disease), and Nathan and Robert Pritikin (The Pritikin Program).

VLF diets are based primarily on vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and beans, with moderate quantities of egg whites, nonfat dairy or soy products, and small amounts of sugar and white flour.

Ornish's diet is vegetarian; Pritikin allows a limited amount of low-fat animal protein daily (no more than 3.5 ounces of lean beef, fowl or fish - my comment: this suggestion completely ignores individual needs and requirements).

Each plan includes a nutrition and exercise component; Ornish's plan includes stress reduction and emotional support as well. Pritikin also claims medications for heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure may be reduced or completely eliminated by following these plans.
5. UD 2

Lyle McDonald created UD2. McDonald suggests if you are a male planning to follow the UD2 Diet you should have no more than 15% body fat, and if you are female you should have no more than 22% body fat.

The title of the book is a tribute to Duchaine and Zumpano's original Ultimate Diet that was released in 1982. The book is an update to the same diet incorporating new findings about metabolism, fat loss and muscle gain. As with computers, newer versions get new numbers (thus we have 2.0). McDonald says he hopes it is the last diet you will need thus the name ultimate.

Basically the diet has two parts: a catabolic/low-carbohydrate phase to maximize fat loss and an anabolic/high-carbohydrate phase to rebuild and gain muscle.

Day 1 and 2 are both low-carbohydrate days, coupled with high rep, short rest period workouts.

Day 3 is nutritionally a repeat of Day 1 and 2. No weight training occurs on day 3.

On Day 4 you will have both low and high-carb meals.

Day 4 AM: During the day, you're going to stay with your normal low-carb/low-calorie diet but you only get to consume 75% of the total calories that you were eating on days 1-3.

Day 4 PM: Consume 25-30 grams of carbs, with about 15 grams of whey before the workout (approximately 30-60 minutes before workout). The workout is a full body heavy duty/high intensity workout.
6. The Anabolic Diet

The basis of the Anabolic Diet is to carb-deplete during the weekdays, then carb-load on the weekends. This involves 5 days of high fat, high protein, low carbs and 2 days of high carbs, moderate fat, and low protein.

This diet was developed by Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale. Di Pasquale is a former world-class powerlifter who won the World Championships in powerlifting in 1976 and won the World Games in 1981.

Author: Jamie Halie
Website: Bodybuilding.com